Getting a 4 workspace layout in a square on Ubuntu 18.04
I really like my 4 workspaces organized in a square layout, not to say that I can’t live without. It’s handy to work and super efficient. It was a bummer to find out that things were different under GNOME after installing the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, but no worries, it’s easy to get back (here’s how). This is wat we want (again):
Using GNOME now, the first thing you want to do is making sure you have the GNOME Tweaks tool installed
$ sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool
Next, you’ll be installing a GNOME Shell Extension through the Shell Extensions webpage ( and the most convenient way is using an Extension in your favorite browser (available for Firefox/Chrome/Opera). This will require the extension connector first of all
$ sudo apt-get install chrome-gnome-shell
Next you will be installing the browser extension.
-> Firefox: Mozilla Addons
-> Chrome: Chrome web store
-> Opera: Opera Addons
This allows you now to install the Workspace Grid extension, so you can organize the workspaces into (2) rows and (2) columns. Once the extension installed, configure it clicking the respective button in your browser, or open up the Tweaks tool and navigate to Extensions.
Last thing to do is to make them static through the Tweaks tool (menu option Workspaces)
All done! Navigate using Ctrl+Alt+(left/right/up/down), move windows adding the Shift (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+[left/right/up/down]).